2007年5月28日 星期一

Holistic Feedback Report

Holistic Feedback ReportOverallSTUDENT04, on a scale of one to six, your response to this assignment was rated a 5. Your response was evaluated on the basis of how well it communicates its message considering important areas of writing including focus and meaning, content and development, organization, language use and style, and conventions and mechanics.A response that receives a score of five communicates its message effectively. Typically, a response at this level is generally cohesive and unified with a central idea that is maintained throughout the response. A response at this level has generally well developed ideas, with strong support based on examples, evidence or other supporting details. The response is well organized, with a generally effective pattern of ideas and a logical sequence presented. The sentence structure is generally effective, varied and free of errors, although there may be some minor errors in structure, usage and word choice. There are few errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation and spelling that do not interfere with the message. A more detailed analysis of your response is provided for each of the five important writing areas below. Writing Analysis Your response was also evaluated in terms of five important traits of writing, focus and meaning, content and development, organization, language use and style, and mechanics and conventions. Each of the five areas was evaluated on a scale ranging from one to six.
